
Tara Parsons • Jun 04, 2020

Since we have some new besties joining us, I thought I would introduce myself.

Hello Wildflowers! As I have been sitting down to start this blog, I have been brainstorming how the heck does one start?? Do you say something profound? Address all of the important issues currently taking over our world? Do you ignore everything? I am not sure that there is one right answer but I know at some point you simply need to start. So, in the midst of it all, I decided to say hello.

Since we have some new besties joining us recently, I thought I would quickly introduce myself. My name is Tara and I took over this awesome fashion truck October 1, 2019. I am passionate about encouraging women and want each of us to know we are uniquely created. Each and everyone of us brings value to this world. We live in a world that is trying to shut us down and I am here to tell you that YOU are a Wildflower. So to me, it's not just fashion. It's not just a top or dress or a hat....it is a vehicle to bring out a little more confidence in each of us. I have the privilege of working with women who may walk on my truck feeling down or discouraged and walk off standing a little bit taller with a smile on their face because they feel a bit more confident to face the world. My heart bursts with joy each and every time I am blessed to witness this.

I guess I already derailed from my intro! Besides being incredibly passionate about encouraging each of you, I have 3 amazing kids I could not be more proud of as well as a wonderful husband! We live in beautiful Bend, OR where the truck is located. While raising my kiddos, I worked. I generally worked in offices with the hustle and bustle of life. Along the way I had a couple of jobs I really loved but most were "fine". February 9, 2019 I was in a car accident that left me with a concussion and whiplash. I was shut down for months . . .when I say shut down, I literally mean months of laying in bed doing NOTHING. Can I tell you that this was a gift? Don't get me wrong...it was (and still is) so so hard. I felt terrible everyday, therapies were always hard, and a shower was a big deal. AND, in the midst of it all . .. I am super thankful. The injury in my brain has left me unable to tolerate certain lighting, chaotic environments, screens, etc. Being unable to return to my "JOB", it was time for a new career. The truck came into my space and it is perfect! Though I still have challenges from the injury, I am forever thankful that my life has changed for the better. ...side note..I am always happy to share more about this. I know that many of you are struggling with health issues as well as brain injuries. I would love to be a support to you. Please do not hesitate to reach out. 

So here we are today in the midst of Covid-19 and a continued battle against racism. My heart breaks for the fear people are living in. It is not OK. This leads me to answer the question Why Wildflowers? I am so glad you asked! Sister, when you look in a field of wildflowers, they are individual and unique. They are not all the same. They are different colors and sizes and shapes. I celebrate you. I celebrate the individual that you are. I see that you are unique in your color, your size, your shape AND I love you for that uniqueness. You are welcome on my truck anytime and you bring my heart joy! 

I am going to leave this here for today. We will talk fashion and share all the tips next time. Today I want you to know how special YOU are and I cannot wait to see you on the truck!

Tara Parsons sitting in a yellow chair, smiling, holding a coffee
by Tara Parsons 02 May, 2022
What if you, yes you sweet friend, realized all you could be? All that God has for you? What if? What if you could have a job you loved? A marriage you dreamed about? Friends that fill your cup? PEACE?
Woman holding sign that reads,
by Tara Parsons 15 Apr, 2021
And I can tell you that each and every one of you are welcome on my truck. I welcome you if you are having a tough day and need a hug or to play dress up. I welcome your beautiful, smiling face. I welcome you if you vote blue or red or somewhere in between. I welcome you if you are tall or short or have big boobs or small boobs or are any shade of skin tone there is. I will even welcome you if you have curly hair or straight hair! You, yes YOU, are welcome and loved. And you know what? I can't wait to see you ❤
Smiling Tara Parsons wearing a fedora, holding a laptop and potted plant
by Tara Parsons 20 Oct, 2020
Could we give each other grace? Could we cheer each other on? Could we remember that the woman who looks like she has it all together is probably the one who could most use a hug?
Wildflower Woman in bracelets and floral cardigan
by Tara Parsons 04 Aug, 2020
Would you join me in creating a community that build each other up? That holds our fellow wildflower's hand when she is not feeling brave? This is my heart for this community. I see it in each of you when you walk on the truck. I see it in you when you bring a friend to share the love. I see it in you when "strangers" encourage each other.


Spreading positivity with each and
every post.

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